Myles Lichtenberg, Esq., is a recognized leader in the real estate title insurance industry. Since 1979, Mr. Lichtenberg, and his amazing team, have conducted well over 27,000+ real estate title transactions and over $16 Billion Dollars of settled transactions, involving just about every type and variety of real estate configuration – from commercial to residential, from complex to simple and from single-state to multi-state portfolios.
Given Myles’s extensive experience, he is now recognized as a leader in handling some of the largest, most complex real estate title insurance transactions in the business. As things have evolved, Myles Lichtenberg, Esq., has grown as well and remains the industry’s “go to solution,” when others don’t have the resources or experience to handle transactions outside their normal practice. Accordingly, MylesTitle is a professional service firm which resulted in the culmination of Myles Lichtenberg, Esq.’s unique first-hand exposure to the real estate title insurance industry, and was created intentionally to fill a much-needed niche’ in the marketplace.
Notably, Mr. Lichtenberg’s present and former affiliations and achievements include: